Bells! A dual presentation! Personal vows between the couple! Personal vows between their child and his step-dad! Unique ring vows! A family Sand Ceremony! A Truce Bell! And... even more bells!
Oh, yes, this day was full of ringing, jingling, family, love and a ton of laughter.
First, let's talk about the bells:
Jenn had her niece ring a nice brass bell (provided by me) to announce her arrival, and boy-howdy that girl was serious about her task! You could hear the bell even over the music the DJ was playing. But, that was kinda the point.
To close out the ceremony, Jenn and Wayne chose to ring a Truce Bell- an old, western Irish tradition that is said to be derived from St. Patrick's iron Bell of Will. The Truce Bell is to be placed in a conspicuous place in their home. If an argument arises, one may ring the Truce Bell, thus calling an end to the argument and hopefully leading to a resolution. During their ceremony I blessed their Truce Bell and then handed it to them so that they could ring it nice and loudly before I let them smooch.
Once they were pronounced and smooched, we got the bells ringing again with me ringing the Truce Bell, Jenn's niece ringing the brass bell, and all of the guests ringing and waving these awesome ribbon bell wands (made by my wife, Jeanie). It was a joyful riot of sound, motion and color- just the thing to celebrate the creation of a new family!
And family is truly what this ceremony was about. Jenn and Wayne were presented to each other by all of their parents- showing equality and inclusiveness. Wayne and his new step-son, Chris each wrote vows to each other (not shown here, they were personal). They were touching, funny as anything, slightly off-color (what would you expect from a father and son?), and all-together loving. Chris also joined in a family Sand Ceremony.
We also came up with a new take on the ring exchange. Jenn and Wayne really liked this long-form set of vows, but we all felt we needed to save a little time (and the patience of their guests). So Jenn and Wayne repeated these vows in unison and then exchanged rings. With the personal vows that preceded the rings it showed that though they each had their own things to say they could stand together, united, proclaiming their promises of love before the world.
Also, bells.
The Wedding of Jennifer Klein & Wayne Baker
June 30th, 2013
Note: Rev. Mark will bring brass bell. Jenn’s niece, Camryn will be ringing bell as Jenn enters.
Note: Unplugged ceremony
Welcoming Words
Marriage is a supreme sharing of experience, an adventure in the most intimate of human relationships. Today Jenn and Wayne proclaim their love and commitment to the world, and we gather here to rejoice, with and for them, in the new life they now undertake together.
Presentation of Jenn & Wayne by Their Parents
[Wayne], you did not come to be here without the love and support of others. You were born into this world and were nurtured and protected as you grew into the strong and capable man you now are. Who so loved the boy that he, in time, became this man?
Baker's family: We did and we do.
And are you now willing to share your son that he may join this woman and will you now embrace her as your daughter?
Baker's family: We are.
[Jenn], you did not come to be here without the love and support of others. You were born into this world and you were nurtured and protected as you grew into the strong and capable woman you now are. Who so loved the girl that she, in time, became this woman?
Jenn’s family: We did and we do.
And are you now willing to share your daughter that she may join this man and will you now embrace him as your son?
Jenn’s family: We are.
Hugs, kisses, all seated
Unplugged Ceremony Moment
(unscripted, follow Mark’s lead)
Opening Prayer
God of Love, who gives us the longing for, and capability of loving, we give you thanks for Jenn and Wayne , for their open hearts and willing spirits, and for the example of love that they embody here in our presence. Be with them on this joyous occasion of showing their love and making their vows; and be with us, their witnesses, that we may all be changed by what is said and witnessed here
First Reading
Reader: Jenn’s aunt, Fran
The key to love is understanding ... The ability to comprehend not only the spoken word. but those unspoken gestures, the little things that say so much by themselves.
The key to love is forgiveness... To accept each other’s faults and pardon mistakes, without forgetting, but with remembering what you learn from them.
The key to love is sharing... Facing your good fortunes as well as the bad, together; both conquering problems, forever searching for ways to intensify your happiness.
The key to love is giving... Without thought of return, but with hope of just a simple smile, and by giving in but never giving up.
The key to love is respect... Realizing that you are two separate people, with different ideas; that you don't belong to each other, that you belong with each other, and share a mutual bond.
The key to love is inside us all... It takes time and patience to unlock all the ingredients that will take you to its threshold; it is the continual learning process that demands a lot of work... but the rewards are more than worth the effort... and that is the key to love.
Second Reading
Title: ON YOUR WEDDING DAY Author Unknown
Reader: Jenn’s great uncle, Pat
Today is a day you will always remember, the greatest in anyone's life,
You'll start off the day just two people in love and end it as husband and wife.
It's a brand new beginning, the start of a journey,
with moments to cherish and treasure,
And although there'll be times when you both disagree, these will surely be outweighed by pleasure.
You'll have heard many words of advice in the past, when the secrets of marriage were spoken;
but you know that the answers lie hidden inside where the bond of true love lies unbroken.
So live happy forever as lovers and friends,
it's the dawn of a new life for you;
As you stand there together with love in your eyes from the moment you whisper: "I do."
And with luck all your hopes, and your dreams can be real, May success find its way to your hearts;
Tomorrow can bring you the greatest of joys,
but today is the day it all starts.
Officiant’s Address
- Little girl lead-in
- Why they’re getting married?
Perhaps it goes back to the way they met- which is a confusing story depending on who’s telling it, but that leads to questions such as- how did Wayne get Jenn’s phone number? At any time did he don a Superman cape? And, which do you follow- your head, your heart, or your soul?
Perhaps it was that first kiss, but that wasn’t a real kiss anyways , since it happened entirely by “accident” so perhaps it was that second first kiss- the one that was meant to happen. Perhaps it actually was an accident, one that leaves you depending on someone else for support, that shows just how far someone will go to see you through.
Maybe it’s Nascar races or road trips or driving to Erie through a snowstorm because you just “have” to get a puppy.
Perhaps it’s his sense of humor; the way she laughs at his jokes (usually).
Maybe it’s her loving touch and caring nature; his honesty and dedication.
Maybe it’s that she’s a great mom and he an amazing dad and perhaps it’s that they take on every challenge together.
Maybe it’s handmade glass ornaments, and finding Buzz Lightyear and elaborate Christmas light displays that raise money for causes dear to your hearts.
Perhaps it’s because he has a habit of proposing marriage to Jenn- over text with a Ring Pop, on the SkyCoaster at Kennywood, and finally, simply, and appropriately- in front of the Christmas tree.
Perhaps it’s learning that she has no sense of direction, or that he can’t take anything seriously.
Perhaps it’s learning to overcome your fears- like going skydiving, because nothing says “ I loooooovvveee yooooooouuuu” like plummeting to Earth from 3500 feet.
Or perhaps it’s that...
Declaration of Intent
A wedding is more than a celebration of the Love which lives in Jenn and Wayne's hearts today. It reaches into the future and proclaims their intentions for that which tomorrow shall hold. A couple who marry are joined not only by the mutual affection and love they share, but also by their hopes, dreams and by their promises of what will be. The promises and vows they make this day shall guide them into their common future.
So perhaps it’s best that we hear what this day means to them in their own words.
Wayne, will you embrace Jenn as your wife? As your companion and best friend for life, will you give to her your unending love and devotion? Will you be true to her, cherish her and share your thoughts, hopes and dreams with her? And will you stand by her in the triumphs and tragedies of life, as a faithful and caring husband?
[I will]
Please now hold Jenn’s hand and read the vows you have written just for her:
Wayne reads
Jenn, will you embrace Wayne as your husband? As your companion and best friend for life, will you give to him your unending love and devotion? Will you be true to/him, cherish him and share your thoughts, hopes and dreams with him? And will you stand by him in the triumphs and tragedies of life, as a faithful and caring wife?
[I will]
Please now hold Wayne’s hand and read the vows you have written just for him:
Jenn reads
Family Vows (Chris & Wayne)
Ring Vows
Repeated in unison
Jenn and Wayne please hold each other’s rings close to your hearts and together repeat after me:
I choose you, to be my wife/husband.
I give you my love, my heart
my hope, my joy
these I offer you freely.
To delight in your soul
to nourish your mind.
To celebrate love with you
to share my joy
to console you in sorrow
I choose to go with you always.
I promise to listen to you
to express my innermost feelings
to labor with you
to believe in you
even when you doubt yourself
to be the mirror of your highest value
and to hold myself beside you
for the rest of our days.
I offer this ring as a token of our love
And with it I join my life to yours.
As this ring has no end,
neither shall my love for you.
Take this ring,
and stand with me forever and always
Wayne places the ring on Jenn’s finger.
Jenn places the ring on Wayne’s finger.
May these rings be blessed as a symbol of your unity. As day follows night and night follows day, your two lives are joined in an unbroken circle. Wherever you go, may you always return to one another and the home you have made for each other in your hearts. May these rings forever represent your promise to each other – precious, perfect, and without beginning or end.
Sand Ceremony w/Chris
Jenn and Wayne, will you now step up to the altar and hold close to your heart
the container of sand representing the essence of all that you are and all that you
bring to this union. As you do so, embody the grains with all your hopes and
dreams for the future. Bring to mind the strength of your promises, the honesty
and integrity with which you make them, and all the particles of personality that
make you unique and wonderful in one another's eyes."
Jenn and Wayne come to behind the altar
and each take their own container of sand in hand.
Within a marriage each person is both their own and each others. Two
individuals choosing to create a new life with endless possibilities and new
dreams that are theirs together. Will you now pour the sand that is to represent
the foundation of your love which is to support and nurture, your marriage and
your family.
Jenn and Wayne intermingle half of their sand
Chris, will you join us please?
The couple's child/children join(s) them behind the altar.
This container, is here to represent you, Chris, and your importance. Like colors
of the rainbow we're all different and special, valuable, and precious. Therefore it
is only fitting that you be shown as an important part of this marriage after all
marriage is really about family. So will you please pick up your sand and add it
to your mom and dad's.
Chris picks up his container of sand and pours
Jenn and Wayne, will you now finish pouring your sand?
Jenn and Wayne pour the rest of their sand into the container
"And will you now seal the vessel as a reminder that nothing is more important
or more sacred than the bond that you share as husband wife and family. Chris,
do you see where you all are? You are in the center of your mom and dad's
hearts, now and forever."
the container of sand representing the essence of all that you are and all that you
bring to this union. As you do so, embody the grains with all your hopes and
dreams for the future. Bring to mind the strength of your promises, the honesty
and integrity with which you make them, and all the particles of personality that
make you unique and wonderful in one another's eyes."
Jenn and Wayne come to behind the altar
and each take their own container of sand in hand.
Within a marriage each person is both their own and each others. Two
individuals choosing to create a new life with endless possibilities and new
dreams that are theirs together. Will you now pour the sand that is to represent
the foundation of your love which is to support and nurture, your marriage and
your family.
Jenn and Wayne intermingle half of their sand
Chris, will you join us please?
The couple's child/children join(s) them behind the altar.
This container, is here to represent you, Chris, and your importance. Like colors
of the rainbow we're all different and special, valuable, and precious. Therefore it
is only fitting that you be shown as an important part of this marriage after all
marriage is really about family. So will you please pick up your sand and add it
to your mom and dad's.
Chris picks up his container of sand and pours
Jenn and Wayne, will you now finish pouring your sand?
Jenn and Wayne pour the rest of their sand into the container
"And will you now seal the vessel as a reminder that nothing is more important
or more sacred than the bond that you share as husband wife and family. Chris,
do you see where you all are? You are in the center of your mom and dad's
hearts, now and forever."
Final Blessing or Conclusion
Bless this marriage, O God, as Jenn and Wayne begin their journey down the road of life together. We don't know what lies ahead for the road turns and bends. But help them to make the best of whatever comes their way.
Help them to hug each other often, talk and laugh a lot. Help them to continue to enjoy each other as they did when they first met. Help them to realize that nothing nor no one is perfect and to look for the good in all things and all people including themselves. Help them to respect each other's likes and dislikes, opinion and beliefs, hopes and dreams and fears. Help them to learn from each other and to help each other to grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
Help them to realize that there is design and purpose in their lives as in the world, and if they will hold onto each other, they will know that things have a way of working out for the good. Help them to create for their children a peaceful, stable home of love as a foundation on which they can build their lives. But most of all, dear God, help them to keep lit the torch of love' that they now share in their hearts so that by their loving example they may pass on the light of love to their children and to their children's children forever. Amen
Truce Bell
A bell is rung on the wedding day, the happiest day of the couple's lives and then is placed in a central location in the home. If the couple starts to argue, one of them can ring the truce bell, reminding them both of that happiness and hopefully ending the disagreement quickly.
Jenn and Wayne will ring it for the first time, now.
Declaration of Marriage
And now, Jenn and Wayne, as you have showered our hearts with expressions of your love, and promised each other the joy of all your days, by the power vested in me by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and before these witnesses, it gives me great honor and pleasure to pronounce you husband and wife.
Family and friends, get those bells ringing! (Rev. Mark rings bell)
Wayne, you may kiss the Bride!
Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to present to you for the first time: Mr. and Mrs. Wayne and Jennifer Baker!